12 Most Important SEO Tips
Google search algorithm changes all the time and there are hundreds of different techniques to achieve higher ranking in the search results, but these basic fundamental SEO Tips have not changed for a long time now and every webmaster should implement them to achieve better Search Rankings.
Some like to refer to it as Google Optimization and I think it is simply because of a small difference in how Google, Yahoo or MSN rank websites in their search results but Google is #1 Search engine today and many other engines use Google index for their search results. Regardless these tips will work for all engines. Free tips below are not in any particular order of importance as they are all crucial factors in Optimizing your site for Top rankings.
Here are Top 8 most important Free SEO Tips that anyone can give you:

(Watch these free Website Marketing Video Tutorials.)
Website linking structure and number of links pointing to your site or page is crucial to ranking High in Google and if you rank good in Google, chances are you’ll probably do good in Yahoo and other search engines but top 3 search engines that will bring most traffic are Google, Yahoo and MSN. Analyzing your competitors is important and included in Free SEO tips because search engines do analyze incoming links to your website as part of their ranking criteria which is called Page Rank (PR).
So what other websites are doing to rank on top of search results. In order to find out you need to gather a significant amount of data about the top ranking sites for whatever keyword or phrase you are trying to optimize your page for, like:
- Competitions rank in the Search Engines Results for given keyword
- The number of incoming links to the site home page, not including internal links.
- What keywords they use in the title tag
- Number of links containing keywords in the link text
- PageRank of linking pages
- The Alexa traffic ranking
Most of this information can be collected free by querying Google and Yahoo (Read about it in thisAnalyzing Individual Keyword Phrase article) and using free seo tools but it is very time consuming and you can’t get all data in one place.
I use This SEO Tool that can easily crawl a Web site and compile statistics on keyword usage throughout the site with single click of a mouse and all data is displayed in one window.
Many SEO professionals still argue over this but the page title tag element is still one of the most important factors for ranking highly in the search engines.

(Read more and see title tag examples in this Meta tags article.)

- Description
- Keywords
- Robots
I personally don’t believe that sequencing of these tags in certain order is that important. Even though I see many websites put title tag after description and keywords tags lately but there is no proof that it is better for SEO.
Optimization of Description Meta tags
The effective META description tag consists of 25 to 30 words or less but using no more than 160 to 180 characters total (including spaces) or some Search Engines would not consider it Search Engine Friendly.
Read more and see meta tags examples in this Meta tags article.
Read more and see meta tags examples in this Meta tags article.
Optimization of Keywords Meta tags
The meta keyword tag is also sometimes useful as a way to help your page come up for synonyms or unusual words that don’t appear on the page itself but don’t fret too much over your Keywords Meta tag, instead utilize keywords and keyword phrases from your Title Tag element, Description Meta Tag, heading tag and first one or two paragraphs of visible content. Optimal Keyword Meta Tag has 15 to 20 words max.SEO Tip: Don’t repeat your keywords more than 3 times or search engine will consider it as spam of their search results and don’t include keywords that are not in the main content section of your page.
(Read more and see keywords tag examples in this Meta tags article.)
(Read more and see keywords tag examples in this Meta tags article.)
Robots Meta tag will let search engine know if you want a particular page to be or NOT be indexed or to follow or not to follow links on given page. (Read more and see robots tag examples in this Robots txtarticle.)
Header tags will tell the search engine what words are important in the context of your page. Using <h1>,<h2>,<h3>, etc.. tags is the best way to highlight important keywords. With that in mind consider using keywords relevant to the page content (theme) in your Header Tags. The best practice is to place your primary keyword in your <h1> tags and your secondary keyword into the <h2> tags.
You can think of an <h1> header tag as a title for whatever content you have on your page and you should have ONLY ONE (1) h1 tag on any page.
h2 and h3 header tags should be thought of as a sub headings for your page. You should place your 2nd most important keyword in the <h2> header tag. The <h2> tag should be placed somewhere towards the top half of your webpage, in any case below <h1> tag.
(Read more and see header tag examples in this article about Header tags.)
(Read more and see header tag examples in this article about Header tags.)
When you exchange links or submit your website to directories you want to link to as many pages on your site as possible as this will tell search engines that you have a lot of good and worthwhile content. If you have all links pointing to your homepage it will tell search engine that your site is very shallow and they might think that the links were created with some automation software instead of naturally (organic).

Getting as many as possible inbound links have become #1 priority in SEO world as that will get your website higher Page Rank and therefore higher rankings in Search results. There are different links you can acquire: Reciprocal and One Way links. One way links are by far better and much harder to get but any link you can get to point to your website is better than none. To get free one way links I use Free tools likeDirectory submitter and Article Submitter .
(Learn more about different types of links in this article: One Way Links, Reciprocal or both?)

Smaller sites can use second navigation bar in the footer that will act as a small mini site map. This is nothing more than all your important pages as links in the footer.
By submitting a XML Sitemap to a search engine, you are making easier for that engine crawlers to crawl and index pages of your site. As Google describes it in this article
Sitemaps are particularly beneficial when users can’t reach all areas of a website through a browseable interface.
For regular websites there are many free online xml sitemap generators, just Google it but for your WordPress blog you can use this free Google XML sitemap generator plugin as it will also create Robots.txt file which is the next Free SEO Tip.

(Learn more and see robots.txt examples in this article about Robots.txt file.)
There are many more valuable SEO Tips that you need to use when building a website or creating pages and you can read the rest of the Tips on next page: Other Free SEO Tips.
Alt text is the line of text you see pop up when you place your cursor over an image. It also displays a text representation of the image when the user has images turned off in their browser.
Since it is indexed by the search engines, the alt text attribute can help your SEO but should not to be stuffed with keywords or phrases. The alt text should reflect the content of the image that is again relevant to the page content. (Learn more and see examples in this article about Using Alt Text.)

Either way you should try to use keywords in url’s and file names and always use hyphens instead underscores. (for example: www.yourdomain.com/seo-tips.html ) (Related article: Dashes or Underscores in URL? )
Join the appropriate online social communities like StumbleUpon or MyblogLog and become an active, contributing member of the sites. Also adding a AddThis button on your website will give your visitors to bookmark and add your pages to many social networks.
( Read more in this article: Free Traffic from Social Bookmarking )
( Read more in this article: Free Traffic from Social Bookmarking )

( Read more in this article: New Boom Marketing )
This Free SEO tips list could go on and on but I don’t have more time today, I will be adding more tips in the coming weeks and months. Just remember whatever you do in optimizing your site don’t overdo it, write great unique content and build your website and pages for humans in mind, make it readable. You definitely need keywords in your text and meta tags but don’t stuff it.
With this list of Free Seo tips you should be able to develop a good plan for your SEO campaign.
If you know any more Tips that I did not mention here, your additions are welcome in the comments.